Our brave little student Méabh, who attends Naíonra Déarcán Bheaga featured as the poster child for the fundraiser this year . We wanted to show our support to múinteoir Clodagh and the children in the pre-school who organised a Halloween dress up party in support of this very worthy cause.
Bhí Méabh ó Naíonra Déarcán Bheaga mar pháiste póstaer don tiomsaitheoir airgid i mbliana. Theastaigh uainn ár dtacaíocht a léiriú don mhúinteoir Clodagh agus do na páistí sa naíonra a d’eagraigh cóisir gléasta suas Oíche Shamhna don chúis fhiúntach seo.

Bhailíomar €340 ón díolacháin Cácaí. Rachaidh an t-airgead go léir i dtreo an tiomsaithe airgid Trick or Treat for Sick Children. Míle buíochas as do thacaíocht go léir!
€340 was raised from the cake sale which will be donated to the Trick or Treat for Sick Children fundraiser that we held in school last week. Thank you to all that supported the fundraiser!