Thug Martin Maloney ón Ionad Oideachais an Chláir cuairt ar an scoil an Déardaoin seo caite chun teastais agus duaiseanna a bhronnadh ar pháistí ó rang a 1- 6 a chuir isteach ar chomórtas Scríobh Leabhar.
Maith sibh go léir a bhí páirteach, tá go leor údair óga againn inár scoil!
Write a Book Awards: Martin Maloney from the Clare Education Centre visited the school last Thursday to present all the children from 1st to 6th class that entered the Scríobh Leabhar competition with certificates and prizes. Well done to all involved, we have many budding authors in our school.
The girls pictured below won the overall ‘Scríobh Leabhair’ award with Nina and Sadhbh winning best story to be published on the Gaeloideachais website.